THE Best Pizza Hotdish-Quick and Easy!

Quick & Easy Recipes

For BUSY Moms with BUSY kids

So this is my first blog post. And being a native of Minnesota, I thought it was most appropriate to discuss food! But not just any food…most specifically warm comfort food that keeps you alive during those bone chilling winter months. Fun Fact: Not only is Minnesota the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” but also the “Land of 10,000 Hotdishes” (or casseroles to the rest of the country).

When discussing hotdish recipes in the Midwest, the film Forrest Gump comes to mind when Bubba is describing the different ways to cook shrimp. Only replace the words “shrimp” with “hotdish” and name any random food you have in the house to throw in, mix it up, put in the oven, and you can make a perfect meal that lasts a few days (or even freeze for months!)

Having said that, here is an extremely trustworthy recipe that is one of my favorite, go to meals that is quick, easy, and a crowd favorite. It was first introduced in our home the 1980’s (and probably other homes) when parents would hire a babysitter (Baby sitter thinking: Ugh, this is so lame, everyone else is going to the mall but I need a job). Parents would think at the last minute: “Oh no, we have to feed the kids, but the movie starts in an hour and our 16 year old baby sitter cannot cook…”what can we feed them?” I know, lets start with Mac n Cheese, spaghetti sauce and ground beef…perfect, a hotdish! All the babysitter had to do was place it in the oven for 40 min, set the timer, and voila! the perfect meal!

Yes, it has evolved over the years, and I kid you not, it is a staple of my childhood that I love and have continued to cook for my husband, kids, and company. So trust me, you will gain points for this one, it has never failed to disappoint. If your family does not devour the entire pan in one sitting, left overs are even better. My toddler also loves this as well!

THE Best Pizza Hotdish!


1 lb. Ground Beef (or you could also use ground turkey)

1 Jar Spaghetti Sauce (of your choice)

1 box Mac & Cheese (Kraft, or whatever your go to Mac & Cheese)

2 bags of Shredded cheese (Mozzarella  & American, or your family's favorite!)

1 medium onion

2 tablespoons minced garlic

NOTE: Pepperoni slices or mushrooms can be added also, so mix the mushrooms in with the mac n cheese mixture, and add the pepperoni on the top with the cheese mixture. But the best thing about Hotdishes is you can get creative!


(Bake at 350 or 40 min). Warm a few tablespoons of olive oil in a pan over the stovetop. Next, add a few tablespoons of minced garlic and half a diced onion (Onion optional). Add 1 lb. ground beef and cook until brown, then drain. While the beef is getting nice and brown make the Mac & Cheese (Follow directions on the box). When the Mac & Cheese is finished and ground beef is brown, mix the beef and mac & cheese together in a large bowl. Add a jar of spaghetti sauce to the ground beef and Mac & Cheese mixture and stir it together. Pour the mixture into a greased 9x13 pan (on the bottom). Add the cheese on top of the mixture and arrange it nicely. Bake at 350 for 40 min or until cheese is golden brown. Let cool, and serve! 

**Note: If you like a crispier cheese, (as I do) I suggest setting your oven to broil at 500 degrees for 2 min at the most. But watch it like a hawk, because if it sits too long it will burn. (2 min at the most).

There you go! Happy kids, happy home with leftovers that will last and last!